Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 6. Words

Proverbs 12:6
The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
but the speech of the upright rescues them.

There are going to be roughly a million verses about speech in Proverbs and I'm pretty happy about that because I tend to run my mouth. The thing that's interesting about this verse is that it doesn't say who the words are lying in wait for.

Did you notice that? It's easy to assume that it's other people. That the words are going to wound others, but then in the second part of the verse, the consequences of speech are assigned to the speaker, not someone else.

So maybe the first person the words of the wicked are lying in wait for is the person speaking them. Maybe the blood my wicked words want the most is my own. Certainly I've wounded people with my gossip, but I think the person that suffers the most when I speak wickedly is me. That's my blood. I do not escape unscathed when I speak wickedly.

Have you ever wounded yourself with your own words?


Bill H said...

PJ, loving this series through Proverbs 12, thanks for the wisdom help.

Bill H

Jamaican Princess said...

Just discovered your blog.
It is really good I like your writing I can really relate to your posts
keep up the good work!
I added you on twitter if you don't mind


Jamaican Princess

Donna said...

in response to your question....every day.....all the time.....

Anonymous said...

How do I count the ways?

Mary Jude said...

Sure enough...and I shame myself plenty. It can't be said often enough...there's a blessing in being quiet.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...what's that old saying?..."Lord, make my words sweet as honey because I may have to eat them?"

Rachel said...

Nearly everyday with my two young children. Through the Spirit, I am being convicted of this more and more, and sometimes before it even comes out of my mouth(small victory). I know there will be victory in this trial, but since I cannot avoid my children, who II dearly love, I am going to grow through this trial and no by avoiding it.


Paul said...

Have I ever not wounded myself with my own words? Who suffers most when I make bad decisions? Usually me. Who is the person I expect the most from? That would be me. Who is the person I am most likely to disappoint? Me again. Whose standards do never live up to? Mine. Who gets injured when I lash out in anger or speak with malice? Mostly me. Who is unworthy of my forgiveness? You guessed it, me. Perfectionism can ruin your day like that. Thankfully, God's attitude about me is very different than mine.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could feel the shame before my mouth opens - instead of after I have already blown it.

L said...

Ouch! While I am loving this series it is really convicting me.

Kelsey said...

I have this strange disease called Not-Thinking-Before-Speaking-itis. It's very contagious and deadly. It causes word vomit, embarrassment, hurt, and comes with an ugly rash. Unfortunately, it destroys everyone in my way (including myself) and is almost incurable.

Sounds like I'm not the only one with this terrible ailment.

We should start a support group.

Erin said...

I'm really enjoying this study on Proverbs even if I don't get to comment often. I try to pray daily that I will speak to my children and husband w/gentleness and kindness. I have to often practice throughout the day being quick to listen and slow to speak as James says to do.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Not only with my words but I find myself needing a wheelbarrow (funny, I don't think I've ever typed the word wheelbarrow) to hold up and roll around this huge plank I have in my eye all the time. o_O

Sylvia Goode Basham said...

That's why I memorize God's guard against being wounded by my lies, doubt-talk and uncertainty.

Anonymous said...
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