Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 15. Advice

Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.

I know I need advice. I’ve burned myself enough times in the past that I realize now that I need advice before I make most decisions. But now, what I do when I’ve got something that “seems right” to me and I’m afraid of someone telling me no or wait, I’ll tell them my idea really quickly. I’ll just overwhelm them with a steady stream of words until they’re blubbering on the other end of the phone against my torrent of adjectives and analogies.

Eventually, if you talk fast enough and use enough words, most people will surrender and say, “That seems like a good idea.” But not my friend Dwayne. He makes me repeat myself. Sometimes I think it’s because he wants to be a good listener and really hear what I’m saying, but sometimes I think it’s because he wants me to hear the words coming out of my own mouth. He wants me to say what I just tried to slide by him at rapid speed one more time because it might have seemed right in my head, but on closer inspection it’s a really dumb idea. And if I repeat it, if I slow it down and listen to what I’m saying, I’ll hear the error of my ways. That’s why I love talking to Dwayne. That’s why it’s hard to talk to Dwayne. Because he makes me listen, both to his advice and to my own words.

Who do you listen to?


Patricia said...

nice. happy sunday!

Anonymous said...

If we could all be so blessed to have a Dwayne in our lives!

Anonymous said...

Dwayne's a good (great) friend. You're blessed to have him in your life. Thanks be to God.

Mollie said...

My family is so good at being a source of wise counsel. It drives me crazy. But I'm so thankful God has put them in my life. Thanks for the reminder!

Kenny said...

This is one of those verses I want to highlight with a black Sharpie.

Ed said...

Please note, it says "a wise man listens to advice", not "a wise man follows the advice of everyone who has an opinion".

Listening, that's the point here. Sometimes listening to advice from a fool can help confirm what you thought in the first place.

Just read Job to see an example of this. His friends had all kinds of advice and ended up having to pay for their foolishness.

Thanks Jon for this series. It has become an important part of my day these past two weeks. I have made it a regular part of my devotions and I find myself closer to God through considering His word and your comments.

Anonymous said...

How do you find a Dwayne? Everyone seems to be so busy--or self-absorbed--to be a Dwayne. Thanks for reminding me of not only finding a few Dwaynes in my own life, but to be one for someone else.

Anonymous said...

Jon, I only listen to you now.
And sometimes Suzie Orman.

Last week, I judged a debate tournament because they needed a body. I told one kid that I knew nothing about debate, but because he was talking so fast and throwing so much data at me, I felt he was trying to overwhelm me rather than convince me.

Pam D said...

You know, my big question right now is: why do you get 30-100 comments on the Stuff Christians Like posts, but 10 or less on these? Because, while the others are funny.. these are GOOD. REAL good. I love Proverbs. Thanks, Jon.
p.s. I'm not a great listener, but.. between the Word, the Holy Spirit, and the amazing friends with whom He has blessed me, I have some wonderful advice. And, at almost 50, I AM finally starting to listen. Maybe there's hope yet for my mule-headed son.

Sylvia Goode Basham said...

I hope I'm the Dwayne for my friends...all in love of course. My husband keeps me grounded :-)

Kendra Golden said...

Evidently, with the possible exception of Suze Orman, Dwayne's are kind of hard to come by. I don't know if I have someone with quite that sensitive of a bull detector, but I just run my stuff by several people. Then it ends up being my husband that tells it like it is.

heartafire said...

Rooted on the Rodk---hahahahahahahaha! Good one...

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