Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 18. Bandages

Proverbs 12:18
Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

I wrote about this verse a few weeks ago on Stuff Christians Like and I love it because it’s so simple.

Reckless words pierce. Wise words heal.

I don’t need some complicated thought to figure out if the words I used in any given day were kind or just or compassionate. I only need to ask myself, “Did what I say today, bring healing or a wound? Were my words a sword or a bandage?” It’s an easy question to ask but sometimes a difficult one to answer.

The other reason I love this verse, the reason that’s hidden a little deeper, is the relationship between a sword and a wound. The truth is that sometimes I wound others with my words because I’m trying to heal a wound I have. I feel insecure about a comment someone left on the site so I cut them down. I feel stupid so I attack someone else’s intelligence. I feel unpopular so I pierce their confidence. The greatest holes I cause in other people often start with the holes I see in my own life.

So that’s the question of the day, are you causing wounds or healing hurts with your words?


Tracy, mom2many said...

I should write that verse on my computer screen. The part I struggle with is the words that hurt first but bring healing eventually. I don't mean the just mean stuff that God uses for good, but the stuff that is said in love that hurts cause it's true. Taking that and not responding with my own wounds, man, that's tough.

Donna said...


Unknown said...

that is just so true about us causing hurt from our own wounds. I think that has helped me as far as not being as hurt when others say hurtful things (does that even make sense?) because if I realize they are hurting out of a place of wounded-ness, then I can extend grace. And isn't grace really the thing that heals it all anyways?!

Anonymous said...

Like Tracy, I am wrestling hard now with the third option: the word that functions as a surgeon's scalpel - causing a temporary, necessary wound in order to bring true healing. It's hard to hold and harder yet to control, because the temptation is so great to just run 'em through, especially when they've run YOU through often enough. But that's not how God rolls.

Anonymous said...

"The truth is that sometimes I wound others with my words because I’m trying to heal a wound I have. I feel insecure about a comment someone left on the site so I cut them down. I feel stupid so I attack someone else’s intelligence. I feel unpopular so I pierce their confidence. The greatest holes I cause in other people often start with the holes I see in my own life."

WOW. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

I struggle with verbal abuse, so this reading was for me.

Kendra Golden said...

Dang it. I hate it that you confronted me with this today. I was totally prepared to take my sword to work tomorrow and pierce some people. Now I have to bring band-aids instead. I can't picture that being near as much fun to my selfish nature.

Kendra Golden said...
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Anonymous said...

"The truth is that sometimes I wound others with my words because I’m trying to heal a wound I have. I feel insecure about a comment someone left on the site so I cut them down. I feel stupid so I attack someone else’s intelligence. I feel unpopular so I pierce their confidence. The greatest holes I cause in other people often start with the holes I see in my own life."

I find my 'reactionary' words are never of the healing sort either.
Thanks for this today.

Daniel J. Carrington said...

What you've described here is probably the single biggest struggle I have in my life right now. I use hurtful words as a defense when someone points out some area where I'm weak. I use them to destroy someone else when I am just as guilty (or moreso) of the exact same indiscretion.

How often I mentally berate my wife and think horrible things about the pettiest little things she may have done...then I realize that I do EXACTLY the same thing.

I think Donna said it best above..."OW!"

Anonymous said...
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