Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 24. Rule.

Proverbs 12:24
Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor.

I want that verse to lose the word “will.” When I read that, I want it to say, “Diligent hands rule” as in they’re doing it right now, with absolutely no delay. They did it instantly without any work or effort or sacrifice. They just rule, not “will rule” as in sometime in the future, but right now in the present. But then that wouldn’t be diligence would it?

And in the second half of the verse, Proverbs 12 does what it always does, it states the obvious with inescapable clarity. It doesn’t argue with you about the middle of your story. It won’t debate the exact moment you might end up in slave labor if you’re lazy. It just tells you that’s where you’ll end. “You might love the way the ride starts. You might feel special and rich and well taken care of. You might even enjoy the middle part of your journey, right up until the end. The end is going to be slave labor. Let’s not argue about the specifics, please just know that’s where you are headed.”

So the question today is, which path are you walking, the one that ends in diligence or the one that ends in slavery?


Karen Osler said...

Gosh all I can hear is Dave Ramsey in my ear on this one. Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else.....

Stephanie Wetzel said...

I am SO predisposed to laziness. Growing up, I had a tough time accomplishing anything if I wasn't held to it by another person. I required -actually craved- external motivation.

And when you think about it, at its extreme that's the definition of slave labor. You think you're free when no one IS making you do something. But you end up seeking situations where you ARE forced to work. Thus, slave labor.

Learning that true freedom is found in diligence has been tough. But I've seen evidence of the difference in my own life.

Donna said...

which one is working out w/ Wii Fit?

Stacy from Louisville said...

Holy Cow, OUCH.

There is no question God is using you Jon.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Yeah, after that I feel the need to sign off the computer and go clean the kitchen :-)

Anonymous said...

Great post - I have been in a season of "laziness". Funny, how when I go through these seasons, I really do feel it in every bone in my body. I actually become a slave to my own laziness. My joy leaves, I tend to wallow in my laziness. Man I need to get up and do something!!!!

heartafire said...

I think this proverb has even more to say, when we consider the "diligence" part.

Surely it was not merely "working hard at your job or a task" that was meant by "diligence" here.

annabelle said...

No matter what was meant by diligence here, I am surely at fault for not exhibiting that. Wow. Seriously. Ouch.

heartafire said...

I appreciated your comment Steph, as I am SO predisposed to working really hard at something---ANYTHING--sometimes even working hard when there is no good reason to. I can't ever wait in line without doing something, sit in carpool and just relax, watch TV without sewing, making lists, etc., can't talk on the phone without cleaning out junk drawers, etc.
It might sound like a virtue, but it is its own curse--It's like intentional slave labor, as I feel guilty doing otherwise.
That's why I'm looking for something in this proverb beyond "working hard at a job or task."

Anonymous said...

VERY good point!! :) Laziness feels like it's just in my bones. (Or at least that's the excuse I give myself:) I like the part where you talked about how it may not FEEL like slave labor, but all in all in the end... yup! That's right where you end up. Very true. :)

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